Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz
Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz

Chart of competitors according to their categories:

Order by   First nameLast name Club Country Gold Silver Bronze 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Points
4242. postup Nikola Horvat Croatia CRO 1 25
4242. postup Ena Huskić Bosnia & Herzegovina BIH 1 25
4242. postup G. Chernitsov Russia RUS 1 25
4242. postup Nestor Chikviladze Georgia GEO 1 25
4242. postup Loucas Christofi Cyprus CYP 1 25
4242. postup Jaouad Ikan Choku Gym Zaandam NED 1 25
4242. postup N. Isakhanyan Armenia ARM 1 25
4242. postup Hande Isitir Turkey TUR 1 25
4242. postup P. Ivanov Bulgaria BUL 1 25
4242. pokles A. Janevski Macedonia MKD 1 25
4242. pokles Nigel Janssens Netherlands NED 1 25
4242. pokles Stefan Jevtic Serbia SRB 1 25
4242. pokles G. Jikia Georgia GEO 1 25
4242. pokles Attila Jóba KK Taiyo Kolárovo SVK 1 25
4242. pokles R. Jonjic Bosnia & Herzegovina BIH 1 25
4242. pokles Sara Jovanovic Montenegro MNE 1 25
4242. pokles Jakub Kabát KK Kretovič Košice SVK 1 25
4242. pokles Paul Karacic Zagrebački Karate Savez CRO 1 25
4242. pokles Maja Kastratović Montenegro MNE 1 25
4242. pokles R. Kerimov Estonia EST 1 25
4242. pokles Konstantinos Kirloglou Greece GRE 1 25
4242. pokles Vladislav Kis Czech republic CZE 1 25
4242. pokles Velizar Koleshanski Bulgaria BUL 1 25
4242. pokles Z. Komevski Croatia CRO 1 25
4242. pokles Eleftherios Konstantakopoulos Greece GRE 1 25
4242. pokles Anna Koriagina Ukrainian Team UKR 1 25
4242. pokles Ramaza Kormaz Turkey TUR 1 25
4242. pokles Stefan Kostik Macedonia MKD 1 25
4242. postup Mariya Koulinkovitch Belarus BLR 1 25
4242. pokles Ivan Križanac Bosnia & Herzegovina BIH 1 25
4242. pokles Bálint Kronstein Hungary HUN 1 25
4242. pokles Kristina Krstevska Macedonia MKD 1 25
4242. pokles Dominika Kucharová KK Kretovič Košice SVK 1 25
4242. pokles Vitaliy Kulyk Ukraine UKR 1 25
4242. pokles Hana Kurjakovic Bosnia & Herzegovina BIH 1 25
4242. pokles Tyron Darnell Lardy Netherlands NED 1 25
4242. pokles Alexendre Lendyel Ukraine UKR 1 25
4242. pokles I. Linares Spain ESP 1 25
4242. pokles Kevin Linster Luxemburg LUX 1 25
4242. pokles Jack Lowe England ENG 1 25
4242. pokles S. Lučić Montenegro MNE 1 25
4242. pokles Iliana Lupanova Belarus BLR 1 25
4242. pokles Darya Lysokon Odessa United Team UKR 1 25
4242. pokles Aldin Mahmutovic Bosnia & Herzegovina BIH 1 25
4242. pokles T. Makharadze Georgia GEO 1 25
4242. pokles Asya Malikova Azerbaijan AZE 1 25
4242. pokles Y. Malinouski Belarus BLR 1 25
4242. pokles Naim Maloku Kosovo KOS 1 25
4242. pokles Nika Mamagulashvili Georgia GEO 1 25
4242. pokles Alessandra Mangiacapra Italy ITA 1 25

Page: 74/100
<< 70 |  71 |  72 |  73 | 74 |  75 |  76 |  77 |  78 |  79 |  80

^ top


Annotation :
  • Charts rating
  • When clicking on a competitor you will see his complete results
  • When clicking on the number of points you will see only results from current category (kumite,kata)
  • Last contest: European Championship 2015
  • up .... Competitor has gone up in charts poisition since the last tournament
  • down .... Competitor has gone down since the last tournament
  • no change .... Competitor is on the same position since the last tournament