Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz
Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz

Chart of clubs according to their categories:

Position  Club Country Gold Silver Bronze 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sum
1. Shotokan karate dó TJ Sadská CZE 1 1 4 2 1 117
2. Tělovýchovná jednota Krupka, oddíl karate CZE 2 2 96
3. Ukrainian Team UKR 1 1 1 1 75
4. postup Champion UKR 1 1 1 70
4. pokles Karate klub ŠIN-MU Hodonín, z.s. CZE 1 2 3 70
4. TJ Karate České Budějovice CZE 1 1 70
7. postup KC Le Chardon BEL 1 60
7. pokles ERIS-N RUS 1 60
9. Bodaikan Szczecin POL 1 1 56
10. KSK Chomutov a Jirkov CZE 1 1 2 50
11. Hungary HUN 1 48
12. Fight Club CZE 1 1 1 45
13. Karate klub Kamura-ryu shotokan Ústí nad Labem CZE 1 1 42
14. Budoschool Ton Neuhaus NED 1 40
15. HUN 1 36
16. Karate Advanced Pordenone ITA 1 32
16. postup KARATE SPORT RELAX z.s. CZE 1 1 1 32
16. pokles Medimurje CRO 1 32
19. KAI SEI HUN 1 24
19. postup Arashi Sportsclub HUN 1 24
19. pokles Karate Vision Praha CZE 2 24
19. Ned Hockey Nymburk CZE 1 24
19. postup Sei Wa Kai Team GER 1 1 24
19. pokles TJ Bižuterie, o.s., oddíl KABU Jablonec CZE 1 24
25. KS Olimp Łódź POL 2 1 23
26. postup PKK Pleszew POL 1 20
26. pokles SKD Goettschied GER 1 20
26. JKAWF UKR 1 20
29. Shotokan karate club Louny CZE 3 18
30. SK Karate Shotokan Liberec CZE 1 1 1 17
31. postup Karate Klub Jeseník z.s. CZE 1 16
31. Katsudo Sabinov SVK 1 16
31. pokles Sale Dojo) ENG 1 16
31. pokles KV Rheinland Pfalz GER 1 16
35. Karate klub LICHNICE, z.s. CZE 1 12
35. Slovan Ústí nad Labem CZE 1 12
37. Budó škola KK Písek CZE 1 10
38. postup Arkádia Galanta SVK 1 8
38. pokles KARATE TEAM KCK Letohrad CZE 1 8
40. Cobra Ryu Strakonice z.s. CZE 1 6
41. Harasuto Karate Klub POL 1 5
41. Oddíl karate Hlinsko CZE 1 5
43. postup Karate Klub Klatovy CZE 1 4
43. postup Schick Ryu Praha CZE 1 4
43. pokles UKS Wojownik Bestwina POL 1 4

^ top


Annotation :
  • Charts rating
  • When clicking on a competitor you will see his complete results
  • When clicking on the number of points you will see only results from current category (kumite,kata)
  • Last contest: European Championship 2015
  • up .... Competitor has gone up in charts poisition since the last tournament
  • down .... Competitor has gone down since the last tournament
  • no change .... Competitor is on the same position since the last tournament