Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz
Diplomy, medaile - www.nabedne.cz

Chart of clubs according to their categories:

Position Club Country Gold Silver Bronze 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sum
1. Russia RUS 1 2 1 2 340
1. Spain ESP 2 1 1 340
3. France FRA 3 1 1 1 310
4. Turkey TUR 1 4 1 300
5. Azerbaijan AZE 2 1 1 290
6. Slovakia SVK 1 2 1 170
7. Austria AUT 1 120
7. Greece GRE 1 120
9. Netherlands NED 1 1 100
9. Slovenia SLO 2 2 100
11. Germany GER 1 2 1 90
12. Hungary HUN 1 1 1 70
13. Croatia CRO 1 2 60
14. Macedonia MKD 2 1 50
15. Belgium BEL 2 40
15. Georgia GEO 1 40
15. Italy ITA 1 40
18. Portugal POR 1 1 30
18. Sweden SWE 1 1 30
20. Czech republic CZE 1 20
20. Latvia LAT 1 20
20. Serbia SRB 1 20
23. England ENG 1 10
23. Ireland IRE 1 10